RSS Journal feeds
I have created RSS feeds from the journals. To enable your journal to be an RSS feed as well, go to prefs and choose the ‘Public+RSS’ type of journal from the dropdown list. People will now get an RSS icon in firefox. If you wish to link to the journal directly, then use www.freakcity.net/rssjournal.asp?name=username, putting your own username in the url
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 at 16:00pm
Trying to make the site adhere to at least one web standard. Should make rendering of pages faster in browsers and iron out a few of the ickle quirks of the site
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 at 5:09am
Updates galore
Well, where shall I start. I’ve done loads of bits over the last few months, most recently are the stats thing and the pretty pretty pictures. I have a few other things that I’m gonna get on the site soon – hopefully over this weekend...still looking for suggestions tho so let me know if ya think of anything!
Wednesday February 18th, 2004 at 23:23pm