Welcome to the Freakcity Dick. It’s kinda like an encyclopædia, run by us, edited by us. If you enter a comma seperated list of stuff as your likes/dislikes/hobbies, they’ll be linked to here, where you can add entries to them! And if you type dick:"word name" in any text it will magically appear as a hyperlink to the dick entry of the same name
Dick Entry for “T-bag”
Bizzare kids tv show from the 80s.
by admcg
Added on Monday December 22nd, 2003
An implement specifically designed to carry the letter ‘T’ around all day
by dolphinstar
Added on Wednesday May 25th, 2005
when a ‘hetrosexual’ slaps his bollox onto another mans face, in the name of ‘fun’
Added on Monday August 15th, 2005